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Best Immersive Audio Album

For Your Consideration


An Adoption Story - Atmos Mix Cover.jpg

Produced by: Starr Parodi & Jeff Fair
Dolby Atmos Mix by: Eva Reistad & Matt Cerritos     
Mastered by: Michael Romanowski

An Atmos Mix Of The Grammy® Winning Album
"An Adoption Story"

Welcome to my FYC! This album is an Atmos Mix of our Grammy® Winning Album "An Adoption Story", which is musical interpretation of my journey as someone who lost my parents, entered the foster care system, and was separated from my sister. These circumstances eventually led to me being adopted by two wonderful parents. The story comes full circle as I reunite with my sister 30 years later, who was living within 1 mile of me for 15 years. Through life's serendipity, my wife and I had the opportunity to adopt three siblings to help them avoid the trauma of being separated. 

2023 FYC Atmos Mix Play Button copy.jpg

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Kitt Wakeley 


Producers              Featured Artists                       

Jeff Fair                    Starr Parodi - Featured Piano (Album)

Starr Parodi            Wenlan Jackson - Feat Violin Solo (The Storm)

Kitt Wakeley            Isolde Fair - Feat. Violin Solo (Sacred, St Christopher's Journey,

                                  Sacred Reprise) 

                                  Wouter Kellerman - Featured Flute (Sacred, Reprise)                                                             Tess Remy-Schumacher - Featured Cello Solo (Asa)

                                  Helena Buscema - Vocal Solo - (St. Christopher's Journey)

                                  MB Gordy - Featured Percussion

                                  Lili Haydn - Violin Solo (Sacred) 

                                  Wayne Bergeron - Trumpet Solo  (No Apologies)



Additional Credits   

Recording Studio – Abbey Road Studios

Dolby Atmos Mixing Engineer – Eva Reistad & Matt Cerritos

Mixed At -  Just for The Record, 

Graphic Design & Album Cover - Ron Taft


Additional Recording Engineering:

Jeff Fair at Grey Dog Studios: Piano, Featured Voice, Featured Violin Soloists

Lucas Fehring at Riot Drum Studio - Percussion

Patrick Conlon at AMC@UCO Studio A


MB Gordy Percussion Includes:

Taiko drums, Bass Djun, Orchestral Toms, Gong, Marimba, various hand percussion.


Thematic Summary


St. Christopher’s Journey – Thematic Summary

There was a myriad of traumatic experiences during my childhood which led to being adopted. However, I’ve been blessed with incredible adoptive parents who sacrificed so much to prepare me for a lifetime of successes. This song is representative of that journey. The audience will be able to identify with the somber/dramatic tone which leads to a euphoric ending. Footnote:  My first name, is Christopher.


The Storm – Thematic Summary

Inspired by the infamous Paganini Caprices, I wanted to write something that was indicative of the fun chaos that three kids under the age of 6 bring to a household. The vibe of our home went from 0-60. The mischief, the playing, running, and jumping, arguing, the loving nature and beauty of having kids. This song is my interpretation of the melting pot of emotions.


No Apologies – Thematic Summary

The final incident that led to foster care was when my sister and I were abandoned in a car on the side of a highway during the Thanksgiving Holiday. I’m not sure of the exact number of days (1-2). – As an adult, I had an opportunity to ask the person, why they did that to us. That person rambled complete nonsense, taking no ownership nor offering any apologies for their actions. The song begins with a contemplative mood, but the listener will hear the questions of why as the song continues to progress.


Asa – Thematic Summary

I wrote this song, which features cello, at the time that my wife and I had met a little boy, “Asa”. For months, we thought we would be able to open our home to him, but unfortunately, circumstances played out to where we were not able to adopt. The situation was extremely heartbreaking. The prominence of the cello represents the disposition of one little boy. Very little support in his life. What support he does have is sporadic. The piano and violin represent that sparse support.


Sacred – Thematic Summary

There’s nothing more Sacred than family. Having the opportunity to bring three children into our home and share our lives with them is extremely rewarding. This isn’t something we take for granted. There is a myriad of responsibilities we have in order to raise children who’ve suffered trauma. We also have cultural responsibilities as Caucasian parents with three African American siblings. To see the miracles over the past 2 years has been extraordinarily joyous.


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